10. JUNE 2024
Charles University – FACULTY OF LAW in cooperation with International Journal of Parliamentary Studies and Brill
Parliamentary studies are a clear example of a specialized and sectional research field. The object of the discipline is, by definition, represented by the structural and functional features of a single institution. Such an institution may appear to be very articulated, both structurally and functionally, and involve many variations, depending on the constitutional and political system in which each parliament operates. These variations stem from historical and political reasons, which have forged each parliament in a certain way and which have determined its (continuous and often sub-track) evolution. In order to be fully understood, each parliamentary institution needs to be studied from multiple and often concurring perspectives. (…)
At the same time, and apparently conversely, the main and identifying structural and functional features of each parliament presuppose a high degree of universalism and are indeed even based on an aspiration to be fully inclusive and to a certain extent even encyclopaedic. Parliaments have been conceived to ensure political representation for the whole of (national) society, reflecting its pluralism as well as its various cleavages and bringing them to the heart of state institutions.
Nicola Lupo, Parliamentary Studies Between Sectionalism and Universalism
International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 3 (2023) 151–155
The conveners invite scholars from all countries to submit abstracts related to the following topics:
- Division of power – new theoretical approaches
- Parliamentary research (ideas, results and techniques)
- Sustainability of Parliaments in populist Europe, incl. democratic backsliding
- Parliaments as collective bodies (relations between majority and opposition, status of MPs and factions, internal organisation and limits of parliamentary autonomy)
- Parliaments and the supranational and subnational levels of representation (interparliamentary cooperation, implementation of EU law, the role of second chambers)
- Dynamics of the legislative procedure (government-parliament relations in the legislative procedure, executive legislation, legislative responses to judicial decisions)
- Theory and practice of good legislation and regulation (safeguarding and monitoring the quality of legislation, impact assessment, post RIA)
The one-day conference programme will end with an evening reception/parliamentary tour in the Chamber of Deputies.
The programme will be divided between a plenary session and parallel panels, with discussion at the end of the panels.
Oral presentations – 15 minutes, in English language
Registration and submission guidelines
Submissions are possible for scholars of any stage (from PhD. students to post-docs) and discipline (law, political science, social science).
Proposals incl. abstracts should be submitted by 29 February through an online registration here.
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the organizational committee of the conference, named by the Department of Constitutional Law.
Accepted participants will be notified by 31 March.
Proposals must contain the following:
- Name of the author, institution, e-mail address, telephone number, short biography – 50 words
- Title and abstract (400 words) of the paper
- Topic of the paper for the purpose of organisation of panels (see conference topics above)
- Personal information may not be in the abstract
Passive participation
Authors whose paper has not been accepted can apply for passive participation in the conference from 1 April to 15 May. Other scholars may apply for passive participation during this term. Organizers reserve the possibility to close the passive participation earlier due to the capacity reasons.
The conveners intend to seek publication of all conference papers in a special issue of the International Journal of Parliamentary Studies. The journal itself is responsible for selecting the papers it publishes according to standard rules.
Fee and organization
There is no registration fee for the conference. The conference is held in person. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation costs. The conveners are grateful to Charles´ University, and Brill Publishers for the generous donation on the local costs, esp. for conference facilities and lunch. Keynote speakers will be accommodated free of charge for 2 nights in the hotel facilities of Charles University.